Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hello World!!!

So this is my blog. I am Mina Sami Attia Girgis Sleman Shehatou El-Banna Emara, aka Mina Girgis and fka Mina TASGEEL. I am the oldest of four boys living in one house. Currently working for ShoreTel Inc as a NOC Engineer after I graduated as a Computer Engineer from Rutgers University, School of Engineering. I am a deacon (reader) and a servant in Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church in Jersey City, NJ ( I am also a regular user on forum and the site in general. And of course facebook, twitter, youtube...all these time-wasting portals to the net. 

After all of the I am's, I don't really know what to do here. Many people started writing on blogs. It was also recommended by a dear friend to try and write about 'things'. But...what things?! Too many thoughts about things can go on in my head. It's exactly like the title above--Never-Ending Thoughts...not always useful of course...just brain cells wasted. In fact, I think I have some kind of ADD (attention deficit "hyperactivity" disorder) from how many things I can be thinking about, zone out on one of them, think about something else and then forget what I actually NEED to be doing. So we'll see if I can somehow recollect my thoughts at the end of the day and write "something" that can be useful to the world.

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